New Solo trailer: “I’ve got a really good feeling about this.”

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If you’re one of those people who must not know a single detail about the Solo movie before seeing it, DO NOT READ THIS POST. It briefly discusses the trailer, and you may learn something about the plot or casting of the film you did not wish to know. Then again, if you are that sensitive to spoilers ruining your cinematic experience, you should not even have clicked this post to watch the trailer in the first place.

On Sunday night, Disney dropped a new trailer for the forthcoming Han Solo biopic Solo. Set years before we meet the galaxy’s most irrepressible smuggler in A New Hope, it will be the second non-trilogy (or non-nonology, if we’re being accurate) movie set in the Star Wars* universe, following the smash hit Rogue One from 2016. Free of the restraining bolt that is the main franchise and the main plot thread it drags along, these (sort of) standalone movies give Disney the chance to tell slightly different stories in the Star Wars universe. Rogue One mixed elements of espionage thrillers and gritty war movies; Solo looks set to mix up westerns and the good old heist caper.

The new trailer gives us a better look at how Han Solo is played by Alden Ehrenreich, who managed to hold his own in the Coen Brother’s red scare Hail, Caesar! The journey from bright-eyed pilot to scruffy looking nerf-herder looks like it happens on a number of different worlds, and I’m pretty sure it involves a robbery on the kind of weird-looking train that only makes practical sense in the Star Wars universe.

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