I Like Scary Movies interactive horror exhibit is art for the Instagram era

"Look dead. No, more dead." Ars writer in a horror playground inspired by 2017 film adaptation of Stephen King's <em>It</em>.

Enlarge / “Look dead. No, more dead.” Ars writer in a horror playground inspired by 2017 film adaptation of Stephen King’s It. (credit: Rachael Porter)

Horror movie fans are known for their love of immersive “haunts”: special exhibits of events that pay tribute to their favorite films while letting the fans in on a bit of the scary action. That’s the thinking behind I Love Scary Movies, a pop-up interactive art installation that just opened in Los Angeles.

I Love Scary Movies is the brainchild of “experiential” artist Maximillian Castillo (who goes by Maximillian), well-known for his interactive immersive creations, like a Snakes on Plane installation or a Pirates of the Caribbean walk-through for San Diego Comic-Con. He’s also a horror movie buff, and the current exhibit—housed in the historic art deco building The Desmond, along LA’s Miracle Mile—draws inspiration from five films in particular: The Shining, It, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Beetlejuice, and The Lost Boys.

“I wanted to do something that was more like an interactive art installation, something that isn’t your standard Halloween scare maze, which I love, but I feel like we can celebrate and interpret these movies over and over again,” Castillo said in an interview. “Other than going through a walk-through maze once a year during Halloween, there’s really no other way to really enjoy these movies and dive deeper into the content of these films and these worlds.”

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I Like Scary Movies interactive horror exhibit is art for the Instagram era published first on https://medium.com/@HDDMagReview

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