That PG-13 version of Deadpool 2 you’ve been asking for is coming—with Fred Savage

20th Century Fox

How is Ryan Reynolds going to successfully transition from voicing the filthiest superhero of the past few years (Deadpool) to the fluffiest (Detective Pikachu)? The answer will arrive in theaters this December in a re-release we never saw coming: a PG-13 edit of Deadpool 2, complete with new scenes.

Once Upon a Deadpool arrives on December 12, only seven months after Deadpool 2’s debut, but it appears to include just enough new content to entice series fans to hit theaters one more time. The biggest difference is an apparent storytelling wrapper starring none other than Fred Savage—who has been tied down by Deadpool and trapped in a Princess Bride-style bedroom. The timing of this announcement is certainly quite bittersweet, after fans mourned the loss of screenwriter William Goldman last week.

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